Events 2024
Come Walk the Medicine Road with the Panther Lodge Bear Tribe!

Various Herbal Smudge Sticks
2024 Pipe Carriers' Dance &
Gathering of Pipes
September 20-22, Chelsea, Michigan
Unity in Diversity
The Michigan & Ontario Panther Lodge/Bear Tribe Circles invite you to 3 days of celebration, prayer, ceremony, and community building around the Sacred Pipe in Chelsea, Michigan, SW of Detroit. The event will feature pipe ceremonies, sweat lodges, a special Gathering of Pipes with teachings from multiple traditions followed by a community pipe ceremony, a Pipe Carriers' Dance, and lots more.
Preliminary Schedule
Friday, Sept. 20:
10:00 am: Opening Ceremony & Setting up Autumn Equinox Table
11:00 am - 5:00 pm: Teaching Circle, Healing Pipe Ceremonies, Lunch, Stone Peoples' Lodge (Sweat Lodge)
6:00 pm: Dinner
7:00 - 9:00 pm: Drumming & Singing
Saturday, Sept. 21:
10:00 am: Healing Pipe Ceremonies
12:00 - 5:00 pm: Gathering of Pipes with teachings from multiple leaders, Lunch, Community Pipe Ceremony
6:00 - 8:00 pm: Dinner & Rest
8:30 - 10:30 pm: Pipe Carriers' Dance under the stars
Sunday, Sept. 22:
10:00 am: Community Altar/Pipe Ceremony, Awakening/Blessing of New Pipes, Giveaways
12:00 pm: Lunch
1:00 pm: Closing Ceremony
Cleanup & Depart
Entire Weekend: $300 USD
Friday Only: $75 USD
Saturday Only: $150 USD
Sunday Only: $75 USD
Fees includes community dinners Friday and Saturday nights and Sunday brunch. (Bring your own bag lunches for Friday and Saturday. Feel free to bring extra to share if you'd like.)
$75 USD deposit due at registration; balance (cash or check made out to Wind Daughter) due upon arrival at event.
Deposit or full amount may be paid via PayPal using address WDWindDaughter@Gmail.com; select gift to friend/family to avoid fees for yourself or Wind Daughter.
Alternatively, deposit or full payment may be mailed no later than Sept. 5th to Wind Daughter, PO Box 851927, Mobile, Alabama, USA 36685 USA.
Please note: Everyone will need to sign a waiver of liability form before entering the event.
Register HERE

There never is a charge for Ceremony.
Fees and suggested donations are applied to the cost of venues, transportation, lodging, food, materials, and similar expenses.
Wind Daughter welcomes your communication, if there are any questions in this area.